357. Caracole Ambrée

357. Caracole Ambrée

I purchased a 750 mL bottle of Caracole Ambrée a few weeks ago at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I let this warm a little bit, and served it in one of my Duvel tulips. Caracole Ambrée is a Belgian Strong Pale Ale. BJCP Style Guide.

Appearance (4.5): The cork shot out of the bottle when I removed the cage. Pours a hazy ruby-amber with a thick creamy beige head that thins to a persistent half-inch layer. The head readily reemerges upon swirling.

Smell (4.0): The nose is yeasty with spicy pepper and a sweet fruitiness.

Taste (4.0): Sweet fruitiness upfront spreads into toasty malt flavors in the center. The finish has hints of oranges, with peppery spices, light bitterness and alcoholic warmth.

Mouthfeel (4.5): Creamy and medium-bodied with tingly carbonation and a dry finish.

Drinkability (4.0): Pleasant flavors and a refreshing dryness, with well hidden alcohol.

Overall (4.15): This is the second beer from Caracole that I've had, I've been impressed with both.

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