1007-1009. Bottles from Whip In

Before leaving Austin we stopped at Whip In, a convenience store, market, beer store and Indian Cafe all in one (I regret not trying the Breakfast Naan). The beer selection was amazing, and based on browsing the website, even more impressive than I'd thought. We picked up several beers for drinking in Waco, since none of Waco's liquor stores have anything approaching a good selection of beers that haven't been sitting on the shelves forever (Dicorte's I'm looking at you). We drank these beers, along with a six-pack of Real Ale Full Moon Rye, over the span of Saturday and Sunday.

1007. Zoetzuur Flemish Ale

Beer Stats:
Brewery: De Proefbrouwerij
Alcohol: 7.00%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Flanders Red Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Pours a cloudy, dark amber. Topped by a beige head that fades to a ring. Sweet and malty notes mingle with a bit of acidity in the aroma. Lightly sweet and malty flavors upfront move into a mild, fruity tartness in the center. Light-bodied and moderately carbonated with a mild dryness in the finish. This beer was tasty and had a lot of the right flavors, but was lacking the bracing acidity that I prefer to see in the style.

1008. Reinaert Flemish Wild Ale

Beer Stats:
Brewery: De Proefbrouwerij
Alcohol: 9.00%
Serving: Bottle, 11.2 oz.
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Pours a cloudy, straw-golden, and is topped by a bright, white head. Fruity notes of banana and citrus hover over an earthy, Brettanomyces aroma. A mild fruitiness upfront builds to a peak in the center, followed by a light peppery finish with a mild earthiness. Medium-bodied and dry. I liked the Brettanomyces character present in the beer, but would have preferred more of it. Perhaps cellaring would help this beer out substantially.

1009. La Merle

Beer Stats:
Brewery: North Coast Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 7.90%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 4.0 | Taste: 3.0 | Mouthfeel: 4.0 | Drinkability: 4.0

Overall: 3.6

I enjoyed this beer sitting outside on David's dad's back porch. Pours a very cloudy golden with amber tints, and is topped by a thick, meringue-like, off-white head that retains well and leaves patches of lace. The aroma carries fruity notes of citrus, bananas and apricots, as well as hints of yeast and a peppery spice.

Sweet and bready malts move into a banana fruitiness in the center. The finish is mildly grainy and has a peppery spice that strengthens as the beer warms. Medium-bodied and smooth with moderate carbonation.

I'm not sure what I look for in a Saison, but not many have it. This beer is pleasant enough to drink, but just doesn't have that extra something that makes me say "Now this is a Saison!"

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