997. Pilsner Falscher

997. Pilsner Falscher

Jadyn and I had dinner at John Harvard's on Wednesday April 1st. In general I tend to neglect lagers, especially pilsners, in my beer selection, so in an effort to correct that I've been trying lagers when I see them.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: John Harvard's Brew House
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Tap
Style: Czech Pilsener, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 3.0 | Drinkability: 4.0

Overall: 3.6

This pils is lightly hazy and pours a particularly nice golden color. The airy, white head fades to a continuous film leaving a clinging "crown" of lace. The aroma is fairly light. There's a faint, apple fruitiness, leafy hops, and a mild minerally character.

Lightly sweet, but otherwise neutral, malts upfront. Followed by an apple-tinged graininess in the center, and a mild, leafy bitterness in the finish. Light-bodied and crisp carbonation, yet it still seems a bit thin in the finish.

This beer has a good amount of flavor with a nice, chalky mineral-character, but could be a bit more crisp.
