1002. Pine Belt Pale Ale

1002. Pine Belt Pale Ale

Win picked David and me up at the Austin airport and we drove to Ward's sister's house where Ward was waiting for us. We discussed dinner options (at length and without much decisiveness) and had beer. Ward brought a four-pack of Pine Belt Pale Ale, a beer from Southern Star Brewing in Conroe, a new Texas brewery.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Southern Star Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 6.50%
Serving: Can, 16 oz.
Style: American Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 4.0 | Drinkability: 4.0


Pours a lightly hazed copper with a stiff, creamy, off-white head that fades slowly leaving patchy lace. The aroma is very malty: caramel, malted barley, and a hint of hoppiness.

Caramel and malty sweetness upfront that mellows in the center where it's met by a mild, leafy hop-bitterness and a mild peppery spice that both hold through to the finish. Smooth, creamy, medium-bodied.

A nice session beer. Malt-forward, but not too sweet.
