1001. Indie Pale Ale

1001. Indie Pale Ale

I flew to Texas over Easter weekend this year. David was also flying in, which gave Ward, Win, David and me a chance to hang out, something all four of us haven't been able to do since David's wedding in August 2007. My flight was scheduled to leave Logan at noon, but was delayed by an hour. I used the extra time to have a beer at the Cisco Brew Pub in Terminal B.

Terminal B's food options have improved dramatically since I first moved to Boston, when the only options after security were a Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts and a Burger King / Pizza Hut. Now there's an expanded food court, at least one nicer restaurant, and the Cisco Brew Pub, which I'm pretty sure is in the spot formerly occupied by the Burger King.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Cisco Brewers Inc.
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Tap
Style: American IPA, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 4.5 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 4.0 | Drinkability: 4.0


Pours a clear, copper color, and is topped by a sudsy, off-white head that's fed by large bubbles. The head thins to a film leaving nice lace. The aroma is mildly toasty, but any maltiness is overshadowed by a huge hop aroma: grapefruit, apricot and a bit of resin.

Toasty and bready malts are evident upfront, but are well attenuated with only a mild sweetness that mellows towards the center, and is overtaken by hop flavors: apricot, citus and resin, The finish is a nice lingering hop-bitterness. Medium-bodied, a tad oily with restrained carbonation.

A damn tasty IPA. This is only the second beer from Cisco that I've had, which is surprising given how frequently I've seen their beers. I'll definitely have to pick up some of their other beers.
