494. Southampton Double White Ale

494. Southampton Double White Ale

I purchased this a few weeks ago at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I let this warm and served it in one of my Duvel tulips. The bottle says:
Southampton Double White Ale is our unique "double gravity" version of classic Belgian-Style White Ale. Brewed with quality grains and hops. Lightly spiced with coriander and Curacao orange.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Southampton Publick House
Alcohol: 7.00%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Witbier, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.5): Pours a lightly hazy straw-golden with a fluffy, white head that slowly fades to a persistent film leaving sparse lace that clings to the side of the glass.

Smell (4.0): Notes of bananas and oranges. Swirling brings out the tart orange aromas as well as spicy notes of black pepper and coriander. There's also a strong yeasty aroma and a light hint of grain.

Taste (4.5): The taste is fruity and spicy, much like the aroma. Initially a a light spiciness meets the tongue, followed by a nice orange and banana fruitiness. Peppery and coriander spice become evident in the center before fading into a lightly bitter finish with a pleasant residual sweetness.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Medium-bodied, crisp carbonation, with a pleasing smoothness.

Drinkability (4.0): Flavorful and refreshing.

Overall (4.3): A unique take on a Belgian Wit. The spices and flavors are dead on, but the "Double Gravity" adds a little something extra.

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