466. Chateau Jiahu

466. Chateau Jiahu

I purchased this a month or so ago at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I served it in my Westvleteren Chalice at around 50ºF.

This is another "molecular archaeology" beer like Midas Touch. The bottle says:
9000 year old Chateau Jiahu stands apart as the most ancient, chemically-attested alcoholic beverage in the world. Its recreation is based on painstaking excavation by Chinese archaeologists of Jiahuin the Yellow River basin, state-of-the-art microanalysis of pottery residues by American laboratories, and the inspired "Neolithic" brewing of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery. Chateau Jiahu, then as now, opens a window into the world of our ancestors.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Alcohol: 9.50%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Herbed/Spiced Beer, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a cloudy, pale-straw color. It's topped by a thin, fluffy, white head that thins to a persistent film.

Smell (4.0): Sweet and fruity: honey, grapes and a sharp graininess.

Taste (3.5): Sweet with a tart grape fruitiness that fades into a honey sweetness toward the finish. The finish is peppery and spicy with warming alcohol and almost undetectable bitterness.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Smooth, creamy and medium to full-bodied with low carbonation.

Drinkability (3.5): A little too sweet with high, but concealed alcohol.

Overall (3.75): An interesting beer. It's pretty good, and reminds me a little of a dessert wine.

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