458. Samuel Adams Black Lager
On Fridays there's a weekly beer hour that follows a brief talk by a researcher in a Cancer Center affiliated lab. The beer selection varies from week to week. This week it looks like someone bought a couple Sam Adams mixed twelve packs. I had a Harpoon IPA while talking with some labmates and I grabed a bottle of Sam Adams Black Lager to take home. I served this at around 45ยบ F in my NERAX pint glass.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Boston Beer Company
Alcohol: 4.90%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Schwarzbier, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a clear, dark brown with ruby tints. It's topped by a thick, fluffy, beige head that thins to a sudsy film leaving patchy lace on the glass.
Smell (4.0): The nose is predominantly malty. There are notes of caramel, tart fruit, burnt sugar and coffee.
Taste (3.5): Sweet caramel, dried fruit, smoky roasted flavors, with a very light bitterness in the finish.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Moderate carbonation, medium-bodied, a tad sticky.
Drinkability (4.0): Mild flavors and low alcohol make this easily sessionable.
Overall (3.75): Not much to say here...
On Fridays there's a weekly beer hour that follows a brief talk by a researcher in a Cancer Center affiliated lab. The beer selection varies from week to week. This week it looks like someone bought a couple Sam Adams mixed twelve packs. I had a Harpoon IPA while talking with some labmates and I grabed a bottle of Sam Adams Black Lager to take home. I served this at around 45ยบ F in my NERAX pint glass.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Boston Beer Company
Alcohol: 4.90%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Schwarzbier, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a clear, dark brown with ruby tints. It's topped by a thick, fluffy, beige head that thins to a sudsy film leaving patchy lace on the glass.
Smell (4.0): The nose is predominantly malty. There are notes of caramel, tart fruit, burnt sugar and coffee.
Taste (3.5): Sweet caramel, dried fruit, smoky roasted flavors, with a very light bitterness in the finish.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Moderate carbonation, medium-bodied, a tad sticky.
Drinkability (4.0): Mild flavors and low alcohol make this easily sessionable.
Overall (3.75): Not much to say here...
Labels: Boston Beer Company, Reviews, Schwarzbier