450. Allagash 11th Anniversary Ale

450. Allagash 11th Anniversary Ale

This was purchased at Downtown Wine & Spirits a few weeks ago. I let this warm to around 45ยบ F and served it in one of my Ommegang chalices, however it approached room temperature as I finished it.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Allagash Brewing Company
Year: 2006
Alcohol: 9.20%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy ruby-brown with a creamy, beige, one inch head, that fades to a persistent patchy film leaving thick lace on the glass.

Smell (4.0): The aroma is predominantly sweet and malty. There are notes of candi sugar, dark fruit, yeast, and alcoholic spice. There's a light hop aroma that reminds me of Brettanomyces, but as far as I know this beer hasn't had any contact with Brett.

Taste (3.5): Malty, with candi sugar, dark fruit and a nice tartness. The finish is peppery, alcoholic spice and a Brett-like hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Medium-bodied, moderate-carbonation, with a lightly dry finish.

Drinkability (3.5): The alcohol and spiciness of this beer is a little high.

Overall (3.75): A good Belgian Strong Dark Ale. I liked the Brett-like characteristics, even if these were illusory.

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