97. Don De Dieu

97. Don De Dieu

This is the last beer from the Unibroue mixed pack that I bought at Kappy's a month or two ago. I let this warm and served it in one of my Duvel tulip glasses.

Beer Stats:

Brewery: Unibroue
Alcohol: 9.00%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.5): Pours a very lightly hazy golden witha creamy white head that thins to a persistent film. The head readily reemerges upon swirling.

Smell (4.5): Wonderfully fruity, mostly bananas. There are also notes of yeast, light alcohol and graininess.

Taste (5.0): A light citric tartness becomes evident upfront. The fruitiness builds in the center with hints of sour apple, banana and apricot. The finish is peppery spice with a crisp grainy finish with hints of alcohol and sour apples.

Mouthfeel (4.5): Creamy with moderate carbonation.

Drinkability (5.0): Delicious and full-flavored, yet still light and refreshing.

Overall (4.75): Another excellent Belgian Strong Pale Ale from Unibroue. This one is much fruitier than the others.

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