440. Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

440. Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

I found Yeti Imperial Stout to be quite enjoyable, so when I saw this at Downtown Wine & Spirits I had to pick it up. I let this warm to around 50ยบ F before serving it in one of my New Belgium glasses.

The bottle says:
Crack open Yeti Imperial Stout's sophisticated sibling - Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. They may be from the same clan, but they have entirely different personalities. Oak aging gives a subtle vanilla character, rounding out Yeti's intense roastiness and huge hoppy nature. Who says you can't tame a Yeti? 75 IBUs.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Great Divide Brewing Company
Alcohol: 9.50%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Russian Imperial Stout, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (5.0): Pours an opaque black with ruby tints. It's topped by a thick, creamy, dark brown head that fades to a thin persistent layer leaving thick lace around the inside of the glass.

Smell (5.0): Predominant notes of fruit and chocolate. Notes of wood and vanilla move the more roasted and hoppy aromas of Yeti to the back.

Taste (4.5): Chocolate and coffee dominate upfront. Sweet notes of dark fruit appear in the center along with lingering, warming alcohol. The finish is heavy roasted coffee and hop bitterness that melds with the alcohol.

Mouthfeel (5.0): Moderate carbonation, creamy, and full-bodied.

Drinkability (4.0): Nicely balanced, but still a sipper.

Overall (4.7): Similar to Yeti. The aroma is the only category where I think it is improved, though there are definite differences in the flavors. The hops are mellowed as compared to the non-oaked version, for example.

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