212. Westmalle Trappist Tripel

212. Westmalle Trappist Tripel

I picked up a bottle of Westmalle Tripel a week or so ago at Downtown Wine and Spirits. I let this warm to around 45ยบ F and served it in my Westvleteren Chalice.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Brouwerij Westmalle
Alcohol: 9.50%
Serving: Bottle, 11.2 oz.
Style: Tripel, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.5): Pours a cloudy golden with a thick white head that thins to a persistent film.

Smell (4.0): Predominantly grainy and citric. There are also notes of banana (light), pineapple, peppery spice and alcohol.

Taste (5.0): Crisp grain and citrus upfront. The center is fruity with hints of banana. The finish is spicy with a light but persistent bitterness, and alcoholic warmth.

Mouthfeel (5.0): Smooth and creamy, low carbonation, medium-bodied.

Drinkability (5.0): Extremely tasty and drinkable.

Overall (4.7): An excellent tripel, perhaps one of the best that I've had.

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