434. Harpoon Saison (100 Barrel Series #14)

434. Harpoon Saison (100 Barrel Series #14)

This was purchased at either Kappy's or Downtown Wine & Spirits a month or two ago. I wanted to try something lighter tonight. Given that the other 'new' beers in my fridge are Westvleteren 12, J.W. Lees Vintage Harvest Ale (2004), Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, Stone 05.05.05 (I still haven't decided if I should have this now or cellar it, it's my only bottle) and Dogfish Head Golden Shower, this was my only option. I let this warm to around 40ยบ and served it in my Duvel Tulip.

Beer Stats:
Brewer: Harpoon Brewery
Alcohol: 6.30%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Saison, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy golden, clarity is good. A thick white head tops the beer and quickly fades to a patchy layer.

Smell (3.5): The nose is fairly light. Most noticable are a yeasty aroma, and a sweet orange aroma. Leafy hops emerge upon swirling.

Taste (3.5): Toasty malts, lemony tartness, followed by a fruity sweetness and a light, but lingering bitterness.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Light-bodied, moderate carbonation. A tad watery, but not bad.

Drinkability (4.5): Refreshing and very easy to drink.

Overall (3.7): A pretty good Saison. It's not the best I've had but it's solid.

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