456. Hazelnut Brown Nectar
I purchased and consumed this last night. It was purchased at Downtown Wine & Spirits as usual. I served it in a plain pint glass. Sorry, no picture for this one.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery
Alcohol: 6.20%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: American Brown Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy ruby-brown with a dense, half-inch, light brown head that thins to a persistent, smooth, one-eighth inch layer.
Smell (3.5): There's a little bit of roastiness against a nice caramel and hazelnut aroma. There's a slight metallic hint that isn't great.
Taste (4.0): Caramel and toasty malts, hazelnut nuttiness, and a subdued, but firm bitterness in the finish.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Light to medium-bodied, with significant carbonation.
Drinkability (4.5): Flavor full and very drinkable, a good session beer.
Overall (3.95): Nicely balanced and not too sweet.
I purchased and consumed this last night. It was purchased at Downtown Wine & Spirits as usual. I served it in a plain pint glass. Sorry, no picture for this one.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery
Alcohol: 6.20%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: American Brown Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy ruby-brown with a dense, half-inch, light brown head that thins to a persistent, smooth, one-eighth inch layer.
Smell (3.5): There's a little bit of roastiness against a nice caramel and hazelnut aroma. There's a slight metallic hint that isn't great.
Taste (4.0): Caramel and toasty malts, hazelnut nuttiness, and a subdued, but firm bitterness in the finish.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Light to medium-bodied, with significant carbonation.
Drinkability (4.5): Flavor full and very drinkable, a good session beer.
Overall (3.95): Nicely balanced and not too sweet.
Labels: American Brown Ale, Reviews, Rogue Ales Brewery