489. Smuttynose Wheat Wine Ale

489. Smuttynose Wheat Wine Ale

I noticed another Smuttynose Big Beer release at Downtown Wine & Spirits last week. This one is a Wheat Wine, which is a style I've never had before. I let it warm to around 45ยบ F and served it in my New Belgium glass.

The bottle says:
Smuttynose Wheat Wine Ale is a unique hybridization of two well-known beer styles, combining the rich voluptuous taste of a traditional barleywine with the subtle, tart flavors of an American wheat ale , topped off with a healthy dose of crisp, herbaceous hops.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Smuttynose Brewing Company
Year: 2006
Alcohol: 10.70%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Wheat Wine

Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy amber. It's topped by a one-finger, off-white head that quickly thins to a sudsy film that slowly fades to a ring. Lace is low and sporadic.

Smell (4.5): Very aromatic. Tart fruitiness, floral hops, and spicy and peppery alcohol in the background.

Taste (3.5): Lightly fruity with sweet malts upfront. The malts run throughout and provide a nice backbone. There is substantial hop bitterness in the finish that mingles with spicy alcohol. The aftertaste is a light citric tartness.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Medium-bodied, low carbonation, with a lightly oily texture.

Drinkability (4.0): High alcohol, but it's very warming, which is nice on a cool night like tonight.

Overall (3.85): This is my first Wheat Wine, so I'm not sure how it compares to other examples of the style. I enjoyed it.

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