1014. Baby Tree

1014. Baby Tree

As part of American Craft Beer Week, which was last week, I made an effort to drink only Massachusetts craft beer. Last Wednesday (May 13th) I opened a bottle of Baby Tree, the newest release from Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project. I served this in two chalices and split it with Jadyn. This beer is a Quadrupel brewed with "dried plums" (which, I have to admit, sounds a lot classier than prunes).

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project
Alcohol: 8.60%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Quadrupel, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 4.5 | Mouthfeel: 4.0 | Drinkability: 4.0

Overall: 4.0

Pours a cloudy, chocolate brown, and is topped by a transient, half-inch, brown head that fades to a wispy ring. The aroma is sweet and malty, there are notes of candi sugar and an intense aroma of dark fruit. There are notes of raisins, dates and dried plums. There's also a light, husky graininess on the swirl.

The beer is initially sweet on the palate. A nice, cindi sugar, sweetness unfolds into a plum fruitiness in the center. The dark fruit characters in this quad are much milder than other exapmles of the style. There's a brief, peppery flash towards the finish, which quickly moves into a husky graininess that's punctuated by a mild bitterness and light sweetness. Medium-bodied, smooth and moderately carbonated. The grainy quality gives the beer a bit of dryness.

I liked Baby Tree. It's not as intense as other Quads, but it has a pleasing fruity maltiness and a nice dryness in the finish.
