1013. Leatherlips IPA

1013. Leatherlips IPA

For American Craft Beer Week I'm trying new beers brewed by local (Massachusetts) craft brewers, especially those that I tend to overlook when picking out a six-pack of beer to have in the fridge. I've seen Leatherlips around various liquor stores in the area, but for some reason I've never picked any up. Last night I picked up a six-pack at Downtown Wine & Spirits, and had a bottle with dinner.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: The Tap / Haverhill Brewery, Inc
Alcohol: 5.00%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American IPA, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 4.0 | Taste: 4.5 | Mouthfeel: 4.0 | Drinkability: 4.0

Overall: 4.1

This IPA pours a slightly hazed, copper color, and is topped by a off-white, sudsy head that fades to a persistent film leaving patches of lace. Upon pouring, the aroma is dominated by strong resiny and citric hop aromas. Letting the beer air out for a bit allows malts to come to the fore. There are notes of caramel and apricot, with the hops adding a bright, citric aroma.

Malty and moderately sweet upfront, and into the center: notes of caramel and apricots. The sweetness is short lived, however, with a strong hop bitterness appearing in the center and lasting through the finish. There are nice citric hop flavors as well as a light resiny kick. The beer is moderately carbonated, medium-bodied and slightly oily.

This is a nice hop-forward IPA that manages to have a decent amount of maltiness that doesn't steal focus from he hops.
