404. Stone Smoked Porter

404. Stone Smoked Porter

I purchased this a few days ago at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I've only tried Arrogant Bastard and Double Bastard. Both excellent beers, though I'll admit that I didn't appreciate Arrogant Bastard the first few times I had it. I chilled this in the fridge and served it in my NERAX pint glass.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Stone Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 5.90%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: American Porter, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours an opaque black with garnet tints around the edges. A fluffy beige head tops the beer, eventually fading to a quarter-inch layer, persisting and then disappearing altogether.

Smell (4.5): Dark fruit, coffee, dark chocolate and a nice smokiness.

Taste (4.0): Fruity sweetness and mild tartness upfront. A roasted coffee bitterness in the finish gives way to a nice smoky flavor that lingers in the aftertaste.

Mouthfeel (5.0): Tingly carbonation, with a smooth and thick rich texture.

Drinkability (4.0): Easy to drink and flavorful, though it may be a little strong for some.

Overall (4.20): This is an excellent flavorful porter. The smoky flavor is noticable, but not overpowering.

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