376. Smuttynose Farmhouse Ale (Big Beer Series)
I picked this up at Trader Joe's about two weeks ago. I chilled it and served it in one of my Duvel tulips. Farmhouse Ale is a Saison. BJCP Style Guide.
Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy copper topped by a thick fluffy/creamy head that thins to a persistent half-inch layer, leaving lace all over the glass. The clarity is very good.
Smell (4.5): Sweet dried fruit aromas, pepper, musty yeast and light hops.
Taste (4.0): Fruity upfront with an orangey tartness, toasty malts and a significant bitterness in the finish. This beer might be a little sweet for the style, but the flavors make up for it.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Moderate-carbonation, medium-bodied, silky with a dry finish.
Drinkability (4.0): Nice flavors and refreshingly dry and bitter.
Overall (4.1): I like saisons because they're a nice balnce of fruity and spicy and hoppy. This beer was no exception.
I picked this up at Trader Joe's about two weeks ago. I chilled it and served it in one of my Duvel tulips. Farmhouse Ale is a Saison. BJCP Style Guide.
Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy copper topped by a thick fluffy/creamy head that thins to a persistent half-inch layer, leaving lace all over the glass. The clarity is very good.
Smell (4.5): Sweet dried fruit aromas, pepper, musty yeast and light hops.
Taste (4.0): Fruity upfront with an orangey tartness, toasty malts and a significant bitterness in the finish. This beer might be a little sweet for the style, but the flavors make up for it.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Moderate-carbonation, medium-bodied, silky with a dry finish.
Drinkability (4.0): Nice flavors and refreshingly dry and bitter.
Overall (4.1): I like saisons because they're a nice balnce of fruity and spicy and hoppy. This beer was no exception.
Labels: Reviews, Saison, Smuttynose Brewing Company