367. Bush Ambrée (Scaldis)

367. Bush Ambrée (Scaldis)

I've had this in my fridge for several months, I decided to give it a try tonight. The bottle I have is labeled Scaldis Belgian Ale, however elsewhere this is marketed as Bush. The difference, I assume, is because of AB's Busch beer. I let this warm for half an hour, before serving it in one of my Chimay Chalices. This is a quadrupel. BJCP Style Guide. The abv for this one is a massive 12%.

Appearance (3.5): Pours a hazy amber with a thin white head that recedes to a thin layer quickly. Little bits of yeast float around.

Smell (4.0): The aroma is peppery with notes of caramel and a cherry fruitiness.

Taste (4.0): Sweet caramel malt flavors upfront, as well as some notes of fruit. The finish is lightly bitter with a strong alcoholic warmth.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Smooth and creamy with tingly carbonation.

Drinkability (3.5): Tasty, but the alcohol is very noticable.

Overall (3.85): Not much to say here, pretty good.

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