918. St. Hubbins Abbey Ale

918. Saint Hubbins Abbey

I bought a bomber of St. Hubbins at Downtown Wine & Spirits. Jadyn and I split this on the 12th of November. There was a picture, but it ended up blurry.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: High and Mighty Beer Co.
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Dubbel, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 4.0| Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 3.5


Pours a cloudy, light brown. It's clearer when first poured, but the sediment comes out readily and clouds the beer. A half-inch, beige head fades to a film, and is fed by tiny bubbles. The aroma is nice: subtle, but not overly done. The malts are toasty with the Belgian yeast kicking in notes of fruit and perhaps a bit of citrus. Alcohol is noticeable, especially on swirling.

There's a lot going on on the palate. Toasty malts upfront that fade nicely into the hoppy finish. There's a light bready sweetness in the center along with a bit of citrus. The Belgian yeast flavors aren't present like they are in the aroma. The finish is peppery with strong alcoholic spice, and a nice, hop bitterness in the finish. The alcoholic spice is a bit strong overall, and could be subdued. Medium-bodied and highly-carbonated. The prickliness of the carbonation really accentuates the spiciness in the finish, perhaps a bit too much.

Overall the alcohol and spiciness are a bit too much, but otherwise a very tasty beer.

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