683. Rahr's Winter Warmer
This is from another six-pack of Rahr & Sons beer that I got in a trade with Bryan. I know this is out of season, but it's been refrigerated and seems to have held up pretty well. I have a couple more winter beers that hopefully haven't gone bad. I'll be blogging about them soon should they be in good condition. I served this chilled in one of my NERAX pint glasses.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rahr & Sons Brewing Company
Alcohol: 7.95%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Winter Warmer, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.5): Pours a hazy, ruby-tinted brown with a thick, fluffy, beige head that fades to a thin film leaving sheets of lace on the side of the glass.
Smell (3.5): The smell is predominantly malty: toasty malts, raisins, and maybe a hint of holiday spices.
Taste (3.5): Toasty and bready malts upfront. Moves into rasiny dark fruit flavors in the center, which are maintained through to the finish where they're cut by a clean graininess and a faint bitterness. There's a nice alcoholic spice in the swallow.
Mouthfeel (3.0): Medium-bodied, light carbonation, but still fells a little bit thin.
Drinkability (3.5): Flavorful, but not overly strong.
Overall (3.65)
This is from another six-pack of Rahr & Sons beer that I got in a trade with Bryan. I know this is out of season, but it's been refrigerated and seems to have held up pretty well. I have a couple more winter beers that hopefully haven't gone bad. I'll be blogging about them soon should they be in good condition. I served this chilled in one of my NERAX pint glasses.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rahr & Sons Brewing Company
Alcohol: 7.95%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Winter Warmer, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.5): Pours a hazy, ruby-tinted brown with a thick, fluffy, beige head that fades to a thin film leaving sheets of lace on the side of the glass.
Smell (3.5): The smell is predominantly malty: toasty malts, raisins, and maybe a hint of holiday spices.
Taste (3.5): Toasty and bready malts upfront. Moves into rasiny dark fruit flavors in the center, which are maintained through to the finish where they're cut by a clean graininess and a faint bitterness. There's a nice alcoholic spice in the swallow.
Mouthfeel (3.0): Medium-bodied, light carbonation, but still fells a little bit thin.
Drinkability (3.5): Flavorful, but not overly strong.
Overall (3.65)