679. The Reverend

679. The Reverend

I bought a bomber of The Reverend close to a year ago when I was trying to put together Beer Advocate's Top Ten Quads. I eventually gave up, and ended up keeping this one in my fridge. Jadyn and I split this one the other night.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Avery Breweing Company
Alcohol: 10.00%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz
Style: Quadrupel, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a lightly hazy, reddish amber with a fizzy, off-white head that fades to a patchy film with a continuous ring.

Smell (4.5): Very rich and malty. Mostly dark fruits: dates, raisins and a touch of cherry. Evident spicy alcohol.

Taste (4.0): Malty upfront: caramel, toffee, dates, and raisins. Light peppery alcoholic spice. The finish has a mild, but persistent bitterness and a lingering sweetness. The malts also have taken on a hint of the vinous aged character that I've noticed in aged beers that I've tried.

Mouthfeel (4.5): Full-bodied, low-carbonation, smooth and thick.

Drinkability (4.0): Very rich, high in alcohol. A pleasant beer to sip.

Overall (4.15)

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