673. Harpoon Peche (100 Barrel Series #19)

673. Harpoon Peche (100 Barrel Series #19)

I purchased a bomber of this at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I had it the other night at home in one of my Duvel tulip glasses. This is listed as a fruit lambic on Beer Advocate, but it didn't seem like a lambic to me, so I'm listing it as a Fruit Beer.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Harpoon Brewery
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Fruit Beer, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a cloudy golden with a thick, white head that leaves sheets of lace.

Smell (2.0): Strong peach aroma, with some grainy and peppery notes. There's an odd, unpleasant musty aroma that I also noticed.

Taste (3.0): There's a toasty maltiness upfront, followed by sweet peaches and a lightly peppery finish. There's a hint of the odd mustiness but not too bad. At heart this seems like an average fruit beer.

Mouthfeel (3.0): Light-bodied, moderate carbonation, watery.

Drinkability (1.5): The mustiness in the aroma really hurts drinkability on this one. I couldn't finish the bottle.

Overall (2.85): I wasn't a fan of this beer. The odd musty character really hurts what could otherwise be an okay fruit beer.

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