284. Cambridge Brewing Company's Hefeweizen
Published by Unknown on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 6:47 PM.
284. Cambridge Brewing Company's Hefeweizen
Jadyn and I went to CBC for drinks on Saturday afternoon (I think). I had the CBC Hefeweizen, which I had had before, but didn't remember trying.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company
Alcohol: 6.00%
Serving: Tap
Style: Hefe Weizen, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a brilliant, straw-golden color with a thin white head that eventually fades completely.
Smell (3.5): Banana fruitiness, with some grain and yeast on the swirl.
Taste (4.0): Sweet banana and bubblegum upfront. Moves into a citric flavor in the center, and ends with husky grain and yeast flavors.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, smooth.
Drinkability (4.5): Definitely a nice summer brew. It's thirst-quenching, and pretty easy to have a few of.
Overall (3.95)
Jadyn and I went to CBC for drinks on Saturday afternoon (I think). I had the CBC Hefeweizen, which I had had before, but didn't remember trying.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company
Alcohol: 6.00%
Serving: Tap
Style: Hefe Weizen, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a brilliant, straw-golden color with a thin white head that eventually fades completely.
Smell (3.5): Banana fruitiness, with some grain and yeast on the swirl.
Taste (4.0): Sweet banana and bubblegum upfront. Moves into a citric flavor in the center, and ends with husky grain and yeast flavors.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, smooth.
Drinkability (4.5): Definitely a nice summer brew. It's thirst-quenching, and pretty easy to have a few of.
Overall (3.95)
Labels: Cambridge Brewing Company, Hefe Weizen