597. Eichbaum Kellerbier Naturtrüb
Christian, my friend/labmate, went to Germany for a wedding in November and brought me back a bottle of Eichbaum Kellerbier. This comes in a brown 500 mL flip-top bottle. I served it in my NERAX pint glass at around 45º F.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Eichbaum Brauereien AG Käfertaler
Alcohol: 4.80%
Serving: Bottle, 500 mL
Style: Keller Bier
Appearance (4.5): Pours a hazy, brilliant golden with a two-finger, creamy, white head that thins to a film leaving patchy lace.
Smell (3.5): Caramel maltiness with a strong, pleasant fruitiness, notes of citrus and apricot. Hops are very low. The fruity aromas are great, but it could use some more hop aroma.
Taste (3.5): Fruitness is first evident followed by a bit of spiciness through the center to the finish, which has a bit of citric tartness and a moderate lingering hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Light-bodied, low carbonation, crisp, but a tad watery in the finish.
Drinkability (5.0): Very easy to drink and refreshing.
Overall (3.85): I liked the fruitiness a lot, but the hop bitterness could be a little higher.
Christian, my friend/labmate, went to Germany for a wedding in November and brought me back a bottle of Eichbaum Kellerbier. This comes in a brown 500 mL flip-top bottle. I served it in my NERAX pint glass at around 45º F.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Eichbaum Brauereien AG Käfertaler
Alcohol: 4.80%
Serving: Bottle, 500 mL
Style: Keller Bier
Appearance (4.5): Pours a hazy, brilliant golden with a two-finger, creamy, white head that thins to a film leaving patchy lace.
Smell (3.5): Caramel maltiness with a strong, pleasant fruitiness, notes of citrus and apricot. Hops are very low. The fruity aromas are great, but it could use some more hop aroma.
Taste (3.5): Fruitness is first evident followed by a bit of spiciness through the center to the finish, which has a bit of citric tartness and a moderate lingering hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Light-bodied, low carbonation, crisp, but a tad watery in the finish.
Drinkability (5.0): Very easy to drink and refreshing.
Overall (3.85): I liked the fruitiness a lot, but the hop bitterness could be a little higher.