584-587. The Flying Saucer

I flew into Dallas on Friday the 15th and stayed at my sister's apartment Friday night. We went to the Flying Saucer in Addison with two of her friends, none of whom are into beer. I was able to successfully recommend some quality beers that my sister and her friends liked (Lindemans Framboise, Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse and Chimay Grande Réserve).

584. Foret

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Brasserie Dupont sprl
Alcohol: 7.50%
Serving: Bottle, 11.2 oz.
Style: Saison, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a hazy, amber-golden with a thick white head.

Smell (4.0): Sweet malt and fruit aromas are dominant, there are notes of raw sugar and citrus. There's also a little alcoholic spice and a hint of earthiness.

Taste (4.5): High carbonation upfront masks initial flavors, but the initial flavors are sweet, but quickly become lemony and tart. The finish is grassy with a nice light, but lingering bitterness.

Mouthfeel (4.0): High carbonation, light-bodied with a mild dryness.

Drinkability (4.0): Tasty and balanced with a nice bitterness.

Overall (4.2)

585. Sierra Nevada Porter

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 5.60%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American Porter, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.5): Pours a dark black with ruby tints. A one-inch, creamy, brown head tops the beer, but fades to a film leaving patchy lace.

Smell (4.5): Roasty with a bit of fruitiness, nice chocolate aromas.

Taste (4.5): A little bit of tart fruitiness, chocolate, roasted bitterness and juicy hops.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Medium-bodied, high carbonation, creamy.

Drinkability (5.0): Delicious.

Overall (4.5)

586. Dogtown Pale Ale

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a clear copper with a fluffy, one-inch, off-white head that thins to a film leaving patchy lace.

Smell (4.0): Hops dominate the aroma, predominantly grapefruit/citrus. There are some malty caramel notes.

Taste (4.0): Toasty malts, high citric tartness, with a nice grassy and citric hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, some hop oiliness.

Drinkability (4.0): Definitely tasty and sessionable.

Overall (3.95)

587. Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout

Beer Stats:
Brewery: North Coast Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 9.00%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Russian Imperial Stout, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (5.0): Black as night with a thick, creamy, brown head that retains as a quarter-inch layer leaving patchy lace.

Smell (4.5): Strong roasted aromas of chocolate and coffee as well as some hops.

Taste (5.0): There are nice flavors of chocolate throughout, as well as some tart fruitiness. The finish is roasted with notes of coffee as well as some hops.

Mouthfeel (5.0): Full-bodied and creamy with low to moderate carbonation.

Drinkability (4.0): It's a high alcohol RIS, but I definitely wanted more when I finished the bottle.

Overall (4.8)

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