583. Flemish Primitive Wild Ale (Surly Bird)

583. Flemish Primitive Wild Ale (Surly Bird)

I purchased a 750 mL bottle of this at Downtown Wine & Spirits and served it in one of my Duvel tulip glasses. There are several different labels, all with Flemish Primitive artwork, I'm not sure if these are different beers or not.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: De Proefbrouwerij
Alcohol: 9.00%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (5.0): The cork hit the ceiling when I opened the bottle. Since the yeast is a compact layer on the bottom of the bottle this pours a brilliant, clear golden. The thick, white head fades slowly leaving patches of thick lace.

Smell (4.5): Medicinal phenols, Brett aromas, as well as some nice fruitiness, especially sour apples.

Taste (4.5): Fruitiness upfront including bananas, sour apples, which are present through the center before they meet a peppery and alcoholic spice. The finish is very strong on the Brett. There's some phenolic character as well as a nice persistent bitterness.

Mouthfeel (4.5): Light-bodied, high carbonation with some warming alcohol and a dry finish.

Drinkability (5.0): Crisp and very flavorful.

Overall (4.65): Very interesting. Fruity with a good dose of Brett.

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