391. St. Bernardus Witbier

391. St. Bernardus Witbier

I purchased this beer last night at Downtown Wine and Spirits. I let it warm slightly and served it in my San Francisco Brewing Company pint glass.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV
Alcohol: 5.50%
Serving: 11.2 oz. bottle
Style: Witbier, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (3.5): Pours a very cloudy beige with an almost pink tink in the light. A fluffy white head thins down to an incredibly persistent half-inch layer that leaves lace on the glass.

Smell (4.5): Spicy and fruity. Notes of bananas, coriander, pepper, grain, citrus and alcohol.

Taste (4.5): Sweet fruitiness upfront that moves into a spicy finish with pepper, coriander, citrus and graininess.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Tingly carbonation, smooth, light-bodied with a crisp grainy finish.

Drinkability (4.5): Very refreshing, great for a hot day.

Overall (4.25): A very nice wit.

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