349. Rogue FestiveAle

349. Rogue FestiveAle

I picked up a bomber of Rogue FestiveAle at Downtown Wine & Spirits. The bottle says "Ale brewed with herbs & spices", and lists Myrtle Leaves, Bitter Orange Peel and Ginger Root as ingredients. I let this warm and served in one of my Duvel tulips.

FestiveAle is a Saison. Saisons were traditionally brewed in the winter for consumption during the summer when brewing wasn't feasible. Typically saisons are spiced, and FestiveAle is no exception. BJCP Style Guide. Garrett Oliver, in The Brewmaster's Table, says "With food, the best saisons are beyond versatile - they are virtually invincible." With the variety of aromas and flavors present I can see what he means.

If you've had this beer and agree or disagree with my review, or have anything to add please leave a comment.

Appearance (4.0): Pours a hazy amber-golden with a fluffy off-white head with decent retention, and reemerges upon swirling.

Smell (3.5): A musty yeasty smell predominates, with an underlying sharp aroma. There are also notes of pepper and citrus.

Taste (3.0): There is very little sweetness in this beer. A tartness begins in the center and seems to envelop the mouth. There is a lingering bitterness at the end. As the beer warms fruity flavors move forward, especially citrus. Overall the tart citrus flavor seems too dominant.

Mouthfeel (3.5): The carbonation is a little strong. The beer is on the medium side of light-bodied with an almost oily feel. The finish is dry.

Drinkability (4.0): Refreshing with a nice dryness.

Overall (3.45): This beer definitely improves as it warms, but in the end the citric tartness is too overpowering.

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