49. Anchor Porter

49. Anchor Porter

I picked up a six-pack of Anchor Porter at Downtown Wine & Spirits. I felt like having a stout or porter tonight, and this looked the most enticing. This is an American Porter, or a Robust Porter. These porters tend to have stronger roasted characteristics than traditional porters, and may be hoppier.

Appearance (4.5): Pours a dark opaque brown, with ruby edges. A two finger fluffy brown head diminishes to a thin layer.

Smell (4.0): There are sweet, slightly tart fruity aromas, and roasted aromas of caramel, coffee and chocolate.

Taste (4.5): Sweet and bready upfront with fruity tartness in the center. Nice roasted flavors in the finish, including chocolate and coffee. The aftertaste is both bitter from the roasted flavors and sweet.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Moderate to light carbonation, smooth and medium-bodied.

Drinkability (5.0): Well-balanced and amazingly easy to drink.

Overall (4.35): This is a nice flavorful porter, easily one of my favorites.

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