1095. Frye's Leap India Pale Ale

1095. Frye's Leap India Pale Ale

This is one of the bottle that David brought down from New Hampshire when he visited in October. I let this warm a bit and served it in my CBC Great Pumpkin Festival glass.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Sebago Brewing Company
Alcohol: 5.70%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American IPA, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 2.5 | Drinkability: 3.5

Overall: 3.5

Frye's Leap pours a hazy, copper color. It's topped by a meringue-like, off-white, two-finger head that retains well, leaving plentiful lace. The aroma is predominantly hoppy with floral notes, and mild hints of resin. There's also a mild undertone of toasty malts.

The initial toastiness gives way to a mild, bready sweetness with mild hints of caramel. This mild maltiness persists through the center. A prickly spiciness precedes the finish, which has herbal and resiny hop flavors, and a strong hop bitterness that lingers well into the aftertaste. I thought the malt backing was a bit weak, and could be increased just a bit. Despite a good dose of carbonation, I thought this beer felt a bit watery on the palate.

Overall I thought this was an average IPA. There were things to like (strong dose of hops), and things to dislike (weak malts, and thinness).
