1079. Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale
I'm not sure where I got this bottle, but I had this beer on September 13th. I served it in my CBC pint glass.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Year: 2009
Alcohol: 5.90%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American IPA, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 3.5| Drinkability: 4.0
Overall: 3.85
This beer pours a slightly hazed, copper color. It's topped by a two-finger, cream colored head that rises quickly, and quickly fades to a quarter-inch layer, leaving sheets and patches of lace. The aroma is malty with toasty and bready notes, along with a caramel sweetness on swirling. The hop aroma is more subtle. There are mild grassy notes, and a bit of peppery spice.
The malty backbone of this beer is the first character to greet the palate. There are toasty notes with an underlying, bready sweetness, which moves into a sweeter caramel character. A peppery bite becomes evident in the center, and moves into a resiny hop flavor with a lingering bitterness. The sweet, malty backbone underlies the finish. This IPA is medium-bodied, has mildly prickly carbonation, and has a bit of roughness in the finish.
I thought this was a balanced IPA. There's a good deal of malty sweetness to off-set a strong bitterness in the finish. A good, but not great IPA.
I'm not sure where I got this bottle, but I had this beer on September 13th. I served it in my CBC pint glass.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Year: 2009
Alcohol: 5.90%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: American IPA, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 3.5| Drinkability: 4.0
Overall: 3.85
This beer pours a slightly hazed, copper color. It's topped by a two-finger, cream colored head that rises quickly, and quickly fades to a quarter-inch layer, leaving sheets and patches of lace. The aroma is malty with toasty and bready notes, along with a caramel sweetness on swirling. The hop aroma is more subtle. There are mild grassy notes, and a bit of peppery spice.
The malty backbone of this beer is the first character to greet the palate. There are toasty notes with an underlying, bready sweetness, which moves into a sweeter caramel character. A peppery bite becomes evident in the center, and moves into a resiny hop flavor with a lingering bitterness. The sweet, malty backbone underlies the finish. This IPA is medium-bodied, has mildly prickly carbonation, and has a bit of roughness in the finish.
I thought this was a balanced IPA. There's a good deal of malty sweetness to off-set a strong bitterness in the finish. A good, but not great IPA.
Labels: American IPA