808. New York: The Spotted Pig

David knows when to leave a sinking ship. After securing a new job at Merrill Lynch he gave his two weeks at Bear Stearns, and was told by his boss not to bother coming in those two weeks. I went down to New York to visit David on the last weekend before he started his new job.

I got to New York sometime in the middle of the afternoon. I'd had a sandwich on the bus, but we decided to grab some beer and a bit to eat anyway. David recommended The Spotted Pig, a pub that I think is in the West Village. David had the Sheep's Ricotta Gnudi with Brown Butter and Sage, which were excellent, and I had the Cubano, also excellent. We each had a pint or two of the Spotted Pig Bitter.

808. Spotted Pig Bitter

I can't find this beer on Beer Advocate, but I found a New Yorker article saying it's brewed by Brooklyn.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Cask
Style: English Bitter, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 4.5 | Drinkability: 4.5

Overall: 3.9

Copper colored with a light haze. It's topped by a dense, foamy, beige head that retains well and clings to the side of the glass. The aroma is bready with a hint of citrus and light resiny hops. There's also a touch of sweet, berry fruitiness.

The toasty flavors upfront give way to a hint of caramel and a burst of fruitiness, which is followed by a subtle finish that's lightly grassy and herbal with a muted bitterness in the aftertaste. Soft on the palate due to light carbonation, medium-bodied and smooth.

I thought this one was very drinkable. It's flavorful but subdued.

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