742. Aestas Ale
I had this on tap at the CBC on the 13th of November.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company
Alcohol: 4.20%
Serving: Tap
Style: English Pale Mild Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a hazy straw color with a light, fluffy, white head that fades to a film leaving sheets of lace.
Smell (3.5): Primarily citric and resiny hops, with a touch of graininess.
Taste (4.0): Toasty malts and a bit of citrus in the center. The finish is resiny hops with a hint of spiciness.
Mouthfeel (4.5): Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, oily with a coarse finish.
Drinkability (5.0): Very easy to drink. It has a nice bitterness, but doesn't overdo it.
Overall (4.05): A very tasty mild.
I had this on tap at the CBC on the 13th of November.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company
Alcohol: 4.20%
Serving: Tap
Style: English Pale Mild Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.0): Pours a hazy straw color with a light, fluffy, white head that fades to a film leaving sheets of lace.
Smell (3.5): Primarily citric and resiny hops, with a touch of graininess.
Taste (4.0): Toasty malts and a bit of citrus in the center. The finish is resiny hops with a hint of spiciness.
Mouthfeel (4.5): Medium-bodied, moderate carbonation, oily with a coarse finish.
Drinkability (5.0): Very easy to drink. It has a nice bitterness, but doesn't overdo it.
Overall (4.05): A very tasty mild.