741. Stone Ruination IPA
I had this on tap at Bukowski's in Boston.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Stone Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 7.70%
Serving: Tap
Style: American Double IPA, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.5): Pours a nice copper with a light haziness to it. Topped by a creamy beige head that fades slowly to a film, leaving sheets of lace.
Smell (4.0): The hops really dominate the aroma. There's a fainty sugary maltiness that's eveident, but herbal, resiny and citric hops are at center stage here. There's also a hint of grassiness.
Taste (4.5): Toasty maltiness followed by some caramel sweetness are evident briefly. Resiny and citric hops soon take over making for a very bitter finish with a bit of alcoholic spice.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Full-bodied. Moderate carbonation. A bit of oiliness.
Drinkability (3.5): Pretty strong and hoppy.
Overall (4.25): This is a very nice Double IPA. It has strong hops that are the focus without enough, but not too much malt for balance. I find too many DIPAs to be too sweet.
I had this on tap at Bukowski's in Boston.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Stone Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 7.70%
Serving: Tap
Style: American Double IPA, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (4.5): Pours a nice copper with a light haziness to it. Topped by a creamy beige head that fades slowly to a film, leaving sheets of lace.
Smell (4.0): The hops really dominate the aroma. There's a fainty sugary maltiness that's eveident, but herbal, resiny and citric hops are at center stage here. There's also a hint of grassiness.
Taste (4.5): Toasty maltiness followed by some caramel sweetness are evident briefly. Resiny and citric hops soon take over making for a very bitter finish with a bit of alcoholic spice.
Mouthfeel (4.0): Full-bodied. Moderate carbonation. A bit of oiliness.
Drinkability (3.5): Pretty strong and hoppy.
Overall (4.25): This is a very nice Double IPA. It has strong hops that are the focus without enough, but not too much malt for balance. I find too many DIPAs to be too sweet.
Labels: American Double IPA, Stone Brewing Co.