692. John Harvard's Burning Bridge Bock

692. John Harvard's Burning Bridge Bock

I had this at John Harvard's with Jadyn a few weeks ago. The "Burning Bridge" in the name refers to smoked malts used during brewing.

Beer Stats:

Brewery: John Harvard's Brew House
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Tap
Style: Bock, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (3.5): Pours a lightly hazy copper. A thin beige head fades to sudsy patches, leaving sheets of lace.

Smell (3.5): There are some light malty hints below a strong aroma of smokiness.

Taste (4.0): Initially toasty before it moves into sweeter, caramel flavors. There's a bit of spiciness before the smoke hits in the finish, which remains through, with a light bitterness, in the aftertaste.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Full-bodied, low to moderate carbonation, smooth.

Drinkability (3.0): Very nice and malty, though the smoked character is a bit strong.

Overall (3.7)

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