603. Harpoon English Style Old Ale (100 Barrel Series #17)

603. Harpoon English Style Old Ale (100 Barrel Series #17)

I purchased this at Downtown Wine & Spirits last week. I let it warm to 55ยบ F, which happens to be the ambient temperature in our apartment since we're too cheap to turn on the heat. I served it in my NERAX pint glass.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Harpoon Brewery
Alcohol: 7.90%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: Old Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (3.5): Pours a clear copper with a fluffy, off-white head that fades to a sudsy layer leaving sheets of lace.

Smell (4.0): The aroma is rich and malty with caramel, toffee and buttery aromas. There's a nice vinous character as well as a hint of grain, but no evident alcohol.

Taste (4.0): The carbonation upfront weakens to reveal a rich, malty backbone with vinous, caramel and toffee notes. The finish is lightly bitter with an alcoholic spiciness that melds well with the remaining malty sweetness. The bitterness lingers and helps cut the malty sweetness.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Thick and full-bodied, with a moderate carbonation that helps to prevent it from feeling syrupy.

Drinkability (3.5): The beer is very rich, making it tough to have more than one.

Overall (3.8): This is the first Old Ale I've had since having Old Peculier back in college. It was a nice port-like quality that I enjoyed.

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