427. Dogfish Head Raison D'Être
I got this at Downtown Wine & Spirits, as mentioned in my last post. I let this warm to around 45-50º F and served it in my Westvleteren chalice.
The bottle says this:
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Alcohol: 8.00%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (3.0): Pours a clear brown-ruby, with a beige one-finger head that thins quickly to a patchy layer and then disappears completely leaving no lace.
Smell (3.5): Spicy notes of dried fruit, sweet malts, caramel, and a hint of roastiness. Juicy fruitiness upon swirling.
Taste (3.5): Sweet caramel malts, sugar and fruitiness upfront. The finish is lightly spicy with a fruity tartness and light bitterness.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Low carbonation, medium-bodied, smooth.
Drinkability (4.0): Easy to drink with well hidden alcohol.
Overall (3.45): A decent, but not great attempt at a Belgian Strong Dark. The aromas could be stronger and more vigorous carbonation would do quite a bit for the appearance and mouthfeel. The taste is good, though perhaps overly sweet without enough spice and bitterness to balance.
I got this at Downtown Wine & Spirits, as mentioned in my last post. I let this warm to around 45-50º F and served it in my Westvleteren chalice.
The bottle says this:
A deep mahogany ale brewed with Belgian beet sugars, green raisins & a sense of purpose.Beer Stats:
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Alcohol: 8.00%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance (3.0): Pours a clear brown-ruby, with a beige one-finger head that thins quickly to a patchy layer and then disappears completely leaving no lace.
Smell (3.5): Spicy notes of dried fruit, sweet malts, caramel, and a hint of roastiness. Juicy fruitiness upon swirling.
Taste (3.5): Sweet caramel malts, sugar and fruitiness upfront. The finish is lightly spicy with a fruity tartness and light bitterness.
Mouthfeel (3.5): Low carbonation, medium-bodied, smooth.
Drinkability (4.0): Easy to drink with well hidden alcohol.
Overall (3.45): A decent, but not great attempt at a Belgian Strong Dark. The aromas could be stronger and more vigorous carbonation would do quite a bit for the appearance and mouthfeel. The taste is good, though perhaps overly sweet without enough spice and bitterness to balance.
Labels: Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Reviews