424. Brother Thelonious

424. Brother Thelonious

I went to Downtown Wine & Spirits tonight to pick up some new beers. I noticed several bottles of Brother Thelonious, which I had read about at Appelation Beer and Brew Like a Monk, so I decided to pick one up. I chilled this and served it in one of my Ommegang chalices. Appelation Beer recommends pairing this beer with vintage jazz LPs, my record player is currently broken, so I paired this with Jazz MP3s, Miles Davis.

As Stan Hieronymus has pointed out, the label is excellent. It features the likeness of Thelonious Monk in monk's attire—his head is surrounded by a halo of piano keys—holding a chalice of beer in his right hand, and a skull in his left. For every case sold North Coast makes a $2 contribution to the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: North Coast Brewing Co.
Alcohol: 9.00%
Serving: Bottle, 750 mL
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (3.5): Pours a deep clear ruby brown. A half-inch yellowish-brown head tops the beer, and quickly thins to a patchy layer that's fed by small bubbles.

Smell (4.0): Rich sweet malts: caramel. Dark fruit: dates and raisins. Swirling reveals the beer's high alcohol.

Taste (4.0): The taste is much the same as the aroma: caramel, dates and some raisins. This finish is spicy alcohol with a bitterness that mingles with residual sweetness before eventually winning out.

Mouthfeel (4.0): Full-bodied, smooth and creamy. Carbonation is low. Alcohol creates a warming in the finish.

Drinkability (3.5): The flavors are nice, but the alcohol is strong and evident.

Overall (3.85): A good Belgian Strong Dark, not the best that I've had, but a solid brew nonetheless.

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