1179-1180. Dos Cervezas en Madrid

1179. Mahou Clasica

Back in Madrid, Jadyn and I had dinner and beer at Antigua Hueveria.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Mahou SA
Alcohol: 4.80%
Serving: Tap
Style: Euro Pale Lager

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 3.0 | Taste: 2.0| Mouthfeel: 2.5 | Drinkability: 3.0

Overall: 2.65

Mahou Clasica pours a clear, darkish golden, and is topped by a creamy, bright white head that fades to a film, leaving good lace. The aroma is light, with grassy, slight peppery hops, and sweet notes.

Upfront this beer is mildly sweet, with a neutral graininess throughout. The finish only has a mild, mild hint of bitterness. This beer is light-bodied, mildly carbonated and thin.

Mahou Clasica is pretty bland, there's not much flavor at all, and it feels watery.

1180. Cruzcampo Lager

Later, after wandering around Madrid, Jadyn and I ended up on Calle de Las Huertas, and had tapas at a place called Milano, which seemed to be staffed by a single, slow waitress.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Grupo Cruzcampo SA
Alcohol: 5.00%
Serving: Tap
Style: Euro Pale Lager

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 3.0 | Taste: 2.5 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 3.0

Overall: 2.95

Cruzcampo pours a clear golden color, and is topped by a white head that eventually fades to a film leaving good lace. The aroma is pretty plain: lager sweetness, graininess, and grassy and peppery hops.

This beer starts out with the standard grainy/sweet lager taste, and then moves into a mildy bitter finish that has a small dose of grassy hops. This beer is light-bodied, moderately carbonated, and crisp.

Overall this was better than some of the other lagers we had, but it was still pretty generic.
