1168. Odell 90 Shilling Ale

1168. Odell 90 Shilling Ale

Jeremy, Matt, and I spent our first day in Colorado skiing at Keystone. We skiied a mix of groomed runs, bump runs, and tree runs. Matt was much better than either of us, but Jeremy and I were pretty evenly matched.

We stopped for an après-ski of chili and a couple beers in River Run Village. They had Odell 90 Shilling on tap, and since it's brewed in Colorado I gave it a try.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Odell Brewing Company
Alcohol: 5.50%
Serving: Tap
Style: American Amber/Red Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.5 | Smell: 4.0 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 4.5

Overall: 4.1

90 Shilling pours a clear red, and is topped by a foamy, beige head that retains well, and is fed by a steady stream of bubbles. It looks very appealing. The aroma has rich, caramel and malty notes. Along with hints of mild fruitiness, and grassy, hay-like hops.

This beer is on the malty side, but comes out very balance. The malts upfront are toasty and bready. Sweeter notes of caramel appear in the center, and there's a moderate, grassy bitterness in the finish. This beer is medium -bodied with high carbonation, and a slight roughness.

I thought that this beer was very tasty. It had nice malty flavors and enough hops to back them up without overpowering them. It tasted great after a day of skiing.
