1113. Rapscallion Premier
I went to the Muddy with some labmates on February 4th. They've expanded to six taps, so now there's a better chance of having new beers.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rapscallion
Alcohol: 7.00%
Serving: Tap
Style: American Blonde Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 4.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 4.0
Overall: 3.85
Rapscllion Premier pours a clear copper-amber. It's topped by a fluffy, off-white head. The aroma is sweet and fruity. There are notes of caramel, citrus, juicy fruit, a mild resinous hop character, and hints of graininess.
This beer is sweet overall. Toasty malts upfront move into bready and caramel malts with hints of citrus and fruit. The finish is mildly bitter with a grassy hop flavor. This beer is light bodied with prickly carbonation.
This is a nice easy drinking beer.
I went to the Muddy with some labmates on February 4th. They've expanded to six taps, so now there's a better chance of having new beers.
Beer Stats:
Brewery: Rapscallion
Alcohol: 7.00%
Serving: Tap
Style: American Blonde Ale, BJCP Style Guide
Appearance: 4.0 | Smell: 4.5 | Taste: 3.5 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 4.0
Overall: 3.85
Rapscllion Premier pours a clear copper-amber. It's topped by a fluffy, off-white head. The aroma is sweet and fruity. There are notes of caramel, citrus, juicy fruit, a mild resinous hop character, and hints of graininess.
This beer is sweet overall. Toasty malts upfront move into bready and caramel malts with hints of citrus and fruit. The finish is mildly bitter with a grassy hop flavor. This beer is light bodied with prickly carbonation.
This is a nice easy drinking beer.
Labels: American Blonde Ale