1108. John Harvard's Brewhouse Saison

1108. John Harvard's Brewhouse Saison

Jadyn and I went to John Harvard's sometime in early January. They had a saison brewed without hops.

Beer Stats:
Alcohol: ?
Serving: Tap
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 3.5 | Smell: 3.5 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 3.5 | Drinkability: 4.0

Overall: 3.75

Brewhouse Saison pours a cloudy golden, and is topped by a fluffy white head that fades to film, leaving some patched lace. The aroma has fruity notes of banana, a grainy/grassy character, and an earthy yeast character.

There are dry, grainy malts upfront, and fruity esters hit in the center. These are predominantly banana with a hint of citrus and bubble gum. There's a bit of peppery spice in the finish. The finish is moderately sweet, with lingering citrus and a grainy character. This saison is light-bodied and husky feeling with prickly carbonation.

This beer was light, quaffable, and had surprising balance for no hops. I enjoyed this one, and had a couple.
