954-955. New York: King's Feast

After leaving Black Rabbit in Greenpoint, we set off in search of food. Being an historically Polish area of Brooklyn it's perhaps not surprising that we ended up eating at a Polish restaurant called Krolewskie Jadlo (King's Feast). Win had the Traditional Stew, David had the Beef Stroganow, which was served in a breadbowl, and I - because I'm a sucker for potato pancakes and perogies - had the sampler.

954. Warka Beer

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Browary Warka
Alcohol: 5.60%
Serving: Bottle
Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest, BJCP Style Guide

Pours a crystal clear copper color. The head thins to noting almost immediately. The aroma is light with a hint of caramel sweetness. This beer is predominantly malty. Bready and caramel notes upfront. There's a bit of alcoholic spice in the finish, but not a lot of bitterness. Medium-bodied and highly carbonated. Overall a decent beer.

955. Lech Premium

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Lech Browary Wielkopolski
Alcohol: 5.20%
Serving: Bottle
Style: Euro Pale Lager

Pours a clear golden. Topped by a thick, light, fluffy, white head that fades to a patchy film. The aroma is sweet and malty, but nothing distinct. Sweet malts upfront give way to a moderate hop bitterness. Light-bodied and crisp.

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