700. Long Trail Double Bag

700. Long Trail Double Bag

I had this the other night at Jadyn's. We split a bottle that her roommate gave us.

Beer Stats:
Brewery: Long Trail Brewing Company
Alcohol: 7.20%
Serving: Bottle, 12 oz.
Style: Altbier, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance (4.0): Pours a clear brownish-copper. Topped by a thick, sudsy head that fades to a film leaving patchy sheets of lace. The head is fed by fizzy bubbles that cling, cola-like, to the side of the glass.

Smell (4.0): Very malty, caramel, aromatic alcoholic aromas.

Taste (4.0): Prickly carbonation greets the tongue giving a mild bite initially. Very malty throughout. Initially there are caramel and toffee flavors, followed by a tart bite and an alcoholic spice in the finish that hints at something heavier. There's also a mild bitterness in the finish.

Mouthfeel (3.5): Medium-bodied, high carbonation, smooth.

Drinkability (4.0): Flavorful and surprisingly drinkable for something with alcohol this evident.

Overall (3.95)

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