1292. Hedgerow Bitter


Beer Stats:
Brewery: Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project
Alcohol: 5.40%
Serving: Bottle, 22 oz.
Style: English Pale Ale, BJCP Style Guide

Appearance: 4.5 | Smell: 4.0 | Taste: 4.0 | Mouthfeel: 4.5 | Drinkability:  4.5

Overall: 4.2 

Hedgerow Bitter pours a cloudy, dark golden. It's topped by an off-white, stiff, meringue-like head that fades leaving good lace. The aroma is mildly malty with sweet fruity esters, and grassy hops.

This beer has mildly bready and toasty malts. The finish has nice grassy, and leafy hop flavors that leave a lingering bitterness. This beer is medium-bodied, and has prickly carbonation and a nice dryness.

A very nice rendition of an English Bitter.
